Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Billions Spent To Teach C.E.O.'s to WRITE?

R. Craig Hogan received e-mail from prospective student. Student needed help. Boss wanted him to help improve workers writing skills. Employees write more on the job than previously. Study by NCW concluded a third of employees in blue-chip companies wrote poorly. Businesses spending as much as $3.1 billion on remedial training. Problem shows in e-mail and reports. Businesses need people who write clearly, many fall short. Millions of e-mails clog corporate computers and many are chaotically written, results in confusion. Even C.E.O.’s need writing help. Many write in inflated language.

What Do you think? Everyone believes that the internet has been nothing but good news for this generation, but is it detrimental to our writing skills as educated people?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

R. Craig Hogan received an e-mail froma prospective student, asking for help. The student's boss wanted him to improve fellow workers' writing skills. Workers need to be able to write clearly. They do it more on the job than ever before. According to studies by NCW, a third of employees in blue-chip companies wrote poorly. And so on. Max did a good job of meeting the challenge: to post in short sentences, but I edited his post here to demonstrate that short sentences don't have to sound like shorthand. All my sentences are simple sentences--one subject and one verb, with some modifiers. Hey, good blog Max! I think you should keep blogging; I'll be looking!